Underwater Precision

Underwater cultivation systems

Underwater cultivation systems: Elements Works has patented  (PATENT PENDING) an innovative platform for underwater cultivation which provides a stable support also on sandy floor. The system developed by Elements Works minimizes the inclusion of foreign materian in the underwater environment and performs very well in diverse situations, like reforestation projects for Posidonia Oceanica or underwater cultivation of sea urchin

The system furthermore allows a significant part of the installation work to be performed above the waterline, minimizing costs, duration and risks associated with the installation.

The first installation based on the Elements Works system has been positioned in Golfo Stella, Elba Island, as part of a pilot project of technology comparison for Posidonia Oceanica reforestation. This project was commissioned by ASA SpA, to verify the state of the art technologies which are available at the present time. First verifications confirm that the system resists perfectly to storms while keeping the plants in place and maintaining a very low profile.

You can obtain more information by writing to “sales” at elementsworks.com