Elements Community is the perfect platform to showcase projects or initiatives that are state of the art or otherwise special. Our main focus is in projects which contribute to the circular economy and to environmental improvement, but the very fact of bringing a very special local initiative in front of a global audience contributes to the community and is in line with our mission.
The participating initiatives are showcased on the web site www.elements.community, on the Elements People Facebook page, on the Elements People Twitter feed
This morning we made a dive at the Marina di Pisa wave energy park, where the first H24 has been operating since December 29th, 2015.
The significant storm of last week did not cause any damage to the machine. This is the second extreme event to which the machine is exposed since its installation on November 12th, 2015.
The first H24 unit is proving very resilient, validating the H24 design both in terms of productivity and in terms of resistance to storms.
Electricity production will resume as soon as waves come back.
The first H24, for which there is an open crowdfunding campaign on the Elements Community portal, has started producing electricity!
You can support the test campaign from this link
Today the first project was activated on the site. It is the support initiative in preparation for the crowdfunding campaign for "Blu Marina by Elements - Pisa".